Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pope vs. Hardee

Early this morning, a new deserter from Corinth tells Pope that his attack on their right flank is expected, they are prepared for a fight and reinforcements are arriving. At 9:30AM Halleck sends an order to Buell to be prepared and cover Pope's retreat if that should become necessary, but gets no response and at 11:00AM sends this message to General Pope.

May 8, 1862-11 a. m.
General POPE:

Avoid any general engagement. I can get no reply from General Buell, and he may not have received my orders to support you.
Sherman's movement on the right shows enemy to be in force.


Nelson later reports this day's activity with a note of frustration. "On the 8th advanced to Nichols' Ford, on Seven Mile Creek, to support, as I was informed, a reconnaissance of General Pope. Left this position at midnight and returned to camp, which was reached at 4 a. m."

Meanwhile, the Confederates have sent skirmishers to test Pope's pickets near Farmington.  Buell reports his status as "...not advancing to-day, but am working roads to my front, rear, and left. I am now in line in rear of Chambers Creek. Stanley on the left of the main Corinth, with my outposts and vedettes, within a half a mile of the enemy and 4 1/2 miles of Corinth. I have thrown Nelson off to the left to support Pope's reconnaissance, in accordance with your instructions. The ground everywhere is intersected by creeks and marshy bottoms, over which corduroy roads have to be made, forming perfect defiles." 

May 8, 1862.
Major-General HALLECK:

I have been out all day, and only now received your dispatch. I find that Pope is reconnoitering with his whole force, 20,000 men, and has to march 7 miles. I will endeavor to cover his retreat if he should come to that, but it is proper to inform you that in doing so I must move some 3 miles to the left, and thus expose my camp and my right flank.


Despite these and other confusing reports which were generated by Scott, the well intentioned rumor-monger, Pope advancess and drives the main forces of the CSA back to Corinth before returning to his camp with 3 dead, several wounded and a better view of the Confederate fortifications.

*ORE reports courtesy of my Favorite Link, Ohio State's eHistory

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