Saturday, June 2, 2012

Division of Labor

On this day in 1862, Halleck's plans for restoring the line from Corinth to Florence encounter reality. "Old Brains" seems to have forgotten that Buell, despite his superior rank, has only three divisions under his command after last month's reorganization.  One division each being sent to Pope (who now has upwards of 50,000 men) and W.T. Sherman.

HEADQUARTERS, June 2, 1862.
Major-General BUELL:

All the rivermen say no steamer we have can possibly run over the shoals. Order one above, as a ferry for Decatur, and have a ferry constructed at that place.
A telegraph party will immediately proceed on the Decatur road. Send any division you prefer toward Decatur, but hold the others near Corinth at least for a day or two. A short time will determine our future operations, but no time should be lost in re-establishing our connection with Mitchel.
Information to-night indicates a large marauding force south of Purdy.


Apparently, Halleck was reminded of the basic arithmetic of his current organization and realizes he has assigned duties for Buell both east and west of Corinth. He thus modifies his instructions, the result being that Crittenden and Nelson's divisions (both containing Kentucky Volunteers) will await further orders.  Halleck suggests that the Army of the Ohio will soon be restored to full strength.

CAMP NEAR CORINTH, June 2, 1862.
Major-General BUELL:

You will recall General Crittenden's division from the Memphis route to the Decatur road and push General Wood's division toward Decatur, repairing the road as they advance as rapidly as possible. It is possible that the original Army of the Ohio will soon move in that direction. You will make your arrangements on that supposition.


*ORE correspondence courtesy of my Favorite Link, Ohio State's eHistory

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