Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lincoln Inquires

On this day in 1862, President Lincoln inquires of General Boyle at Louisville as to the particulars of General Don Carlos Buell's long-anticipated hot pursuit of the enemy from the field at Perryville.  He will be disappointed when he finds that Buell is conducting this chase by dispatching couriers from his headquarters, two and a half miles west of Perryville, and seems to be content with sending scouts to document the retreat, then occupying the abandoned ground.


OCTOBER 11, 1862.]
General THOMAS:

Push one division, or whatever force further information may indicate to be necessary, across to the ford of Dick's river and put the rest of General Crittenden's corps across to the Harrodsburg and Danville road, so as to be in supporting distance if required. I understand the character of the country is such that you can move without regard to the roads until you get near Dick's River, when you will have to keep somewhat up toward Harrodsburg. Gilbert will follow and stop to-night at your present camp.

Let me know what you do. I will be here to-night.


                              *  *  *

WAR DEPARTMENT, October 11, 1862 - 4 p. m.
General BOYLE, Louisville, KY.:

Please send any news you have from General Buell to-day.


Boyle might have been tempted to reply that General Buell was resting comfortably, since there was essentially no activity to report.

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